Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Please Honor Our Veteran's
Especially the very few Remaining World War II Veterans


Yesterday, I told you a special story of my incredible grandfather, Francis Michael Gau.  He was born, March 24, 1922.  He has been married to Rosalie Gau since February 15, 1947.  He has 5 children, 13 grandchildren, and 6 great grandchildren.

Last evening I spoke with my father and I was able to obtain even more specific details:

My father, Thomas M. Gau, the oldest of the 5 children has a copy of the discharge papers.  

The most unfortunate of the details I found out....A review board determined that there was insufficient evidence to award the Distinguished Flying Cross, most likely due to his records being burned in the St. Louis fire.  

My grandfather Francis M. Gau was  entered into active duty on March 15th, 1943 and he was discharged on September 21, 1945. He departed for Italy on March 15, 1944 and returned to the US on October 23, 1944. My grandfather served on the 485th Bomb Group of the 829th Squadron of the Army Air Force.  It is thought that they were bombing the Ploesti Oil Fields, and participated in the Normandy invasion.   The pilots Francis Xavier Dalton did receive the Distinguished Flying Cross, and my grandfather was able to speak to his son to tell him stories about his dad who died fairly early.  When my grandfather left the service, like many of his comrades he just wanted to try and get back to living a "normal life".  He had little interest in seeking recognition.  My Dad believes that my grandfathers crew is the only one of four crews to make it back from the War.

There are not many World War II Veterans left and they all deserve our recognition, especially my grandfather, Francis M. Gau.

For all of those who have been helping, thank you.  Please continue to help and get the word out. Tweet this, forward it, email it, Facebook it, and get the word out!

Thank you!

Stephanie Puryear
Buddies Granddaughter
Mother of two of his great-grandsons

Monday, February 17, 2014

President's Day
Please Honor Our Veteran's
Especially the very few Remaining World War II Veterans

Here's a special story of my incredible grandfather, Francis Michael Gau.  He was born,  March 24,
1922.  He has been married to Rosalie Gau since February 15, 1947 and father to five children the oldest born in 1948.  To his grandchildren and great grandchildren he is known as "Buddies".  

He served in World War II and was a tail gunner in a B-24 bomber.  He flew 50 missions (sometimes two on the same day).  Most of the men on his crew never made it home.  He was nominated for the Distinguished Flying Cross but never received it.  His records were destroyed in a fire at a document center in St. Louis, MO.  My father and his brothers have tried to no avail to help Buddies get the recognition he so deserves and they have not had any success.

There are not many World War II Veterans left and they all deserve our recognition, especially my grandfather, Francis M. Gau.

Please help...  Tweet this, forward it, email it, Facebook it, and get the word out!

Thank you!

Stephanie Puryear
Buddies Granddaughter
Mother of two of his great-grandsons

What to do when you have the winter blues? Think of summer and plan for the summer fun ahead.

Here are our summer events:

This year we our building a fort in our backyard.  Here are three pictures of what our fort will potentially look like.  We are combining what we like best and putting those ideas together.

We also couldn't forget to backyard fun and here are some ideas that I found on helping to design our backyard into a family summer haven:

But with all the forts and outdoor time, I couldn't forget to add the fun activities for my boys and all of our neighborhood friends to enjoy every minute of summer weather.... Here were just a few of my favorites:

So while we are enduring a 4-7" snow storm today I am dreaming of summer and all the fun that we are going to have this year!!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

 Family Reward System
Promoting Teamwork as a Family

Here's how the Magic Jar Works....
It's all about building up the good in what our kids do and reminding them that working a family is team.  For our children, if they do something positive like their chores or something extra special they get to put a marble in the jar.  If they do something that needs a reprimand, or double-check, than they take a marble out of the jar.  Once the jar is full, as a team/family, they get to choose a very special treat like a family outing for the day like bowling or a movie at the theater, and then lunch of their choice.  Other options may be a trip to the Lego store, trip to the Children's museum, new special game for the house.   Every family can decide the parameters of the reward that works best for them.  The important thing is that everyone agrees on the reward and if this is difficult each family member can take turns on getting the final decision of the reward choice.  May your marble jar always be full.

Check out Pinterest site for more ideas: http://www.pinterest.com/mums2/

Monday, February 10, 2014

Daily Tip

10 ways to make a cardboard box your child's favorite toy:
*Parental help will be needed with a box cutter knife to get project started

  • Prepare the box by cutting the top flaps off the box so your child can easily climb in and out of it.
  • Have your child color and decorate the box according to the play theme.

  1. The box can be a car, ship, roller coaster car, or airplane that can be pushed or pulled around the house.  You can even attach a rope, pretend steering wheel, pretend license plate, wheels, a horn.  Find whatever you can from around the house.
  2. The box can be a bed for your child's favorite doll or stuffed animal.
  3. The box can become a house for your child's small plastic and wooden figurines and you can accessorize the house accordingly.  You could even cut windows and a door with a box cutter knife.
  4. You can cut the box with a box cutter knife so it's flat and draw a roadway or train tracks for a new adventure for your child's cars, trains, trucks, or figures to play along.
  5. You could fill it with objects and cover them with a blanket and have your child try to guess what's inside by first not looking, then touching, then giving clues, and then showing (using your senses).
  6. Paint it and use a box cutter knife to set-up a puppet stage for performances.
  7. Line it up, on its side, as a goal for a ball to kick or roll into it (this can be done on the ground or hung on the wall like a basket).
  8. Make it as a table for a cash register station or store set-up, to to use as a picnic table.
  9. Paint if for a back drop in a play scheme.
  10. Cut holes in it for the arms and your child's head and flip it over, and it becomes a robot costume or anything your creativity wants it to be.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

It's been a long time in the making, and yes it's finally here. Developmental Wonders Parent/Baby and Parent/Tot Groups are officially ready to start. Come one and come all to see what all the excitement is about.  


Organized and directed by a Developmental Specialist, especially for parents and their babies and toddlers

Each Week There Will Be:
·            Parenting Information, Tips, and Support
·            Developmentally Appropriate Baby Activities
·            Parent and Baby Socialization
·            Weekly Handouts

First Group: Tuesday, May 11th or Thursday, March 13th
Times Vary Depending on Your Registration

Location: Fox Point Church 
7510 N. Santa Monica Blvd. 
Fox Point, WI 53217 

Development Wonders Baby/Toddler Groups STARTING NOW!!!  Hurry and Sign up before February 28th and Registration fee and first session will be free.

Sign Up Here!!!

For more information, please contact:
Stephanie Puryear, OTR/L
Sensory Steps, Inc.
(847) 530-8943
 Email: sensorystepskids@gmail.com