Monday, July 14, 2014

Learning by Playing in School

School in Santa Monica is Piloting New Program
Technology is Helping Children Learn Through Hands-On-Play

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Remember to Dream your Dream and Live it!

This young Man Had a Dream and He is Living Proof You Can Live your Dream

Tim's Place: Where breakfast, lunch and HUGS are served!   

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Our Internal Need for Movement and the Impact it is Having on our Children's Developmental Growth and Learning, Specifically in School

Our Body, The Brain, and Our Sensory Needs....
We Need to Move, It's an Innate Human Drive that Coincides Learning, Attention, and Brain Activity

Thanks to a friend's Facebook post today, I thought I would revisit this need that has been lost on our children.  During the summer our children hopefully have the opportunity to go outside and get the movement their bodies so desperately need.

School Learning-Increased Diagnosis of ADD/ADHD:

Related Books:
I Need Movement! by Caitlin Dow, Natalie Dow

A Moving Child Is a Learning Child: How the Body Teaches the Brain to Think (Birth to Age &) Paperback-November 13, 2013 by  Gill Connell (Author), Cheryl McCarthy (Author)

Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder

Remember it may not always be that your child has an actual disorder or diagnosis but instead just needs more physical activity and movement in their life.  It is important to be as informed as possible while also keeping an open dialogue with your child, their teacher, and your pediatrician to determine the best course of action for your child.  Sometimes it takes awhile to determine the best course of action.  

A personal example is that last year my son's attention would begin to fade in the afternoon, however his teacher was very open minded and flexible.  Water bottles were allowed throughout the day and when I brought up that he would attend better when chewing gum, she allowed this as long as he was respectful with this activity.  He was allowed to chew sugarless gum in the afternoon if needed as long as this privilege was not abused.  This course of action was all he needed to help him focus when there were days that weather did not permit his class to go outside.

Yet, I know there are other circumstances for children where these types of interventions will help but only for a short while and not completely.  A diagnosis may be involved, and medication along with a full team of support will need to be involved.  It is critical that this is identified as soon as possible to help the child's learning process supported as soon as possible for optimal success throughout the school year.

"New Parent" Must Haves


1. Miracle Swaddle Blanket

2. Wubbanub Pacifiers

3. Summer Infant Portable Video Monitors

4. Infant Carrier

5. Hooter Hider (Pick one that is not too busy in color. Some mom's like one that is rigid at the top so they can see and some like one's that are softer and more flexible.  It's a personal preference). The link below is just a starting example.

6. Sound Sleep Sheep

7. Sophie the Giraffe Toy/Teether Set|pdp|14699808|ViewedPurchased|item_page.horizontal_1&lnk=Rec|pdp|ViewedPurchased|item_page.horizontal_1

8. City Mini Stroller

9. Two Favorite Diaper Bags:
Skip Hop
Petunia Pickle Bottom

10. Travel Baby Changing Pads-Patemm Changing Pads

11. Best Floor Mats

12. A Binder Prepped with all of your favorite take out menus organized and ready to call for delivery whenever needed.

13. A Binder with a list of emergency contacts, pediatrician numbers, poison control, and nearby babysitters with hours and availability for when you need a break.

14. Clothes
Mini Boden


Best Baby Product/Parent Websites:

Please note that I have not ever been paid or endorsed by any of these companies for my recommendation of their products regarding this blog posting.  These products are just my personal favorites that I have found over the years as a result of being a parent of two boys and working as a professional developmental expert.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Importance of Reaching Developmental Milestones

Developmental Milestones for a young child are an Important Way to see how a child is Growing, Developing, and Learning.  If there are delays with these developmental milestones it is critical for a child's caregivers to let their pediatrician know so the pediatrician can determine if there is cause for further evaluations or medical referrals and if early intervention services (occupational, physical, speech therapy) should be provided to help the child.

Here are some Resources:

CDC-ACT EARLY!!!! (This is the most important thing you can do-don't wait).

CDC Milestones MAP-Act Early if you have Concerns. There is Help for your Child.

CDC Act Early Milestones Check List

University of Michigan's Developmental Milestone Guide for Parents

Often times, when a child is delayed friends and family may say that the skill will come in time, or that another relative didn't talk until they were 3 or 4.  Yet, wouldn't you want to help you and your child avoid the frustration you are are going through and also get a head start on trying to get help if there is something that can be done to make things easier for your child?  Also, if there is a reason for the delays, wouldn't you want to know why and start addressing the reason immediately instead of continuing to wonder and worry? Only you are your child's best advocate, and while your friends and family just want to comfort you and put your mind at ease, you're only doing you and your child a disservice by waiting. It's critical time that's being lost.  Research has proven that the earlier a child receives therapy, there is often a greater potential for a better outcome due to the plasticity of the brain (especially during the ages of birth to three).



How is it Diagnosed? 

What do you do if your child is diagnosed?

What is the current research saying?


CDC Diagnostic Criteria for Autism

Social Pragmatic Disorder versus Autism Diagnosis (and levels of severity)
Autism Diagnostic Criteria According to DSM V

DSM V-New Criteria for Autism Diagnosis

DSM V Changes & What They Mean for Diagnosing Autism
DSM V Fact Sheet

New York Times Related Article...
Autism Spectrum-Are You On It?


Autism Speaks Top Ten Advances in Autism Research 2013
Top 10 Autism Research Advances

Autism Research
Wiley Library-Current Autism Studies

The Children's Center Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute-Center for Autism Research
CAR-publications 2010-2012


Parents Magazine Article

Autism Speaks-Your Family